Personal resolutions from a family photographer, Winchester
It’s that time of year again where everyone is asking what your New Years Resolutions are. After many, many years of promising to eat less, be healthy and exercise more – and generally failing miserably by the middle of January, I thought this year I might look towards my work, and my passion of photography to make some resolutions for 2020.
- More documentary style photos of the family. I do take lots of photos of the kids when we are out and about, but one thing I would like to have more of is photos of their everyday life, when they are playing together at home, rollerskating round the kitchen, baking (and destroying the kitchen) or just reading quietly. Documenting what may seem mundane, but what makes up the majority of family life, going past unnoticed. Now I just need to be subtle about it so the kids don’t notice me doing it and start posing.
- Clear up the digital clutter. My phone has a ridiculous number of photos of it (close to 4,000), and all obviously kept on a cloud too. Now that’s all well and good, but half of these are either duplicates, or something ridiculous taken by my kids when they have disappeared with my phone. I want to be able to scroll through and actually see the photos I wanted to take rather than 25 photos close up of my daughter’s tongue because she thought it would be funny. It’s time to get tough and get rid of the dross.
- Be in more photos. This is something I lecture to clients all the time, but it’s still something where I struggle practicing what I preach. I am always the one behind the camera (partly because I don’t trust anyone in the family to even touch my precious camera), but there is no excuse not to have more full family photos, even just using the phone.
- Get my annual photobooks up to date. I do try and make up a photobook at the end of each year, and they are really lovely to look back through. But I still have to do 2018 and 2019. January is a perfect time for doing this as there are quite a few sales on, so here’s a target for this month.
So those are my personal photography goals for the year. I’d love to hear some of yours.
I am a family photographer and newborn photographer in Winchester, Hampshire. Do get in touch to discuss any photography needs.
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